The course below allows students to choose from 12 videos that are about 30 minutes each for a total of 6 hours.
The videos are accessed through an online site called "Wondrium". The cost for Wondrium is $45 per 3 month subscription to all of their videos (thousands of them).
**Note: Wondrium has videos that can supplement other elective courses like photography, art classes, etc. to log your 67.5 hours.
Click on "Start Free Trial" and you will be taken to the registration page.
FYI...if you have already signed up for a Wondrium subscription, you have access to all videos for this unit and all other units at no additional charge.
Once you have watched all videos for this unit, develop a monthly budget that includes the following:
--mortgage payment or rent
--car/truck loan
--car/truck insurance
--life insurance
--health insurance
--clothing allowance
--credit card bill of $50/month (which, in a perfect world you should not have)
--cell phone bill
--electric bill
--natural gas bill
--emergency fund (you will add a certain amount to this fund every month)
--daily spending (gotta have that coffee)
Plan on $8,000 take home pay that you will need to spread out between the expenses above. Once done, have an adult look it over and help you make any adjustments.
**Time spent on this project can be logged.

There are two options for this module. You can do either one...or both.
This link will take you to an online course with videos, questions, and tests. It covers: budgeting, credit, goals, loans, insurance, investments, scams, and taxes.
The second option is to follow the instructions below. Don't forget to log your time.