This course allows students to choose from 2 sets of videos (watch both sets or just one).
1)  How to Grow Anything (6 hours)
2)  Container Gardening Tips and Techniques (3 hours)

The videos are accessed through an online site called "Wondrium". The cost for Wondrium is $45 per 3 month subscription to all of their videos (thousands of them).

**Note: Wondrium has videos that can supplement other elective courses like 
photography, art classes, etc. to log your 67.5 hours.

Here is the link to Wondrium: 
1) How to Grow Anything (6 hours)

2) Container Gardening Tips and Techniques (3 hours)

Click on "Start Free Trial" and you will be taken to the registration page.

FYI...if you have already signed up for a Wondrium subscription, you have access to all videos for this unit and all other units.

If you are interested in going further with gardening than watching a bunch of videos, you have the option of growing your own plants anytime of the year with "grow bags".  Ths allows you to pick various size bags and grow a garden/flowers from seeds.  "Click Here" to look at them on Amazon.  Also, if you fill out a pre-approval form, there are lots of gardening items Connections will purchase for you.  For example, a terrarium kit, small greenhouse, growing lights, etc.