This section on first aid is not considered a thorough course. It is a basic course that gives you the opportunity to learn a few skills that may aid you in helping someone. It is in no way a certified first aid course.
**If you would like a more complete first aid course, click here
When you complete the videos below, you will be able to log 4 hours
Once you are done with this course, it would be a good idea to create your own first aid kit.
Click on this link to read about what should be in a kit that would be helpful in Alaska. (allotment funds can be used for this once a pre-approval form for funds has been submitted).
Click on the topic below that you want to complete (you will need to register in order to take the classes) In order to register, click on the red "register" button. Don't click on any other buttons. Once you register, an email will be sent to you and then you can then use the red "Login to view modules" button.